
I’m 19 years old and currently living in the small town of Angel Fire, New Mexico. After graduating high school last year, I chose to pursue my EMT-B certification at a local community college. Once I completed the program, I decided to take the next step by enrolling in a private firefighter academy at the same school. Those experiences solidified my passion for becoming a first responder. With that goal in mind, I left my hometown of Fort Collins, Colorado, and moved to New Mexico to live with my grandparents. Shortly after, I applied for and secured a position as an EMT Basic with the local fire department.

Although EMT school did spark my interest in heath, my story started a bit earlier. During my sophomore year of high school, I unexpectedly found myself without a second-period class. Coincidentally, a classmate who also played on our varsity soccer team was in the same situation. Looking back, I realize this became a pivotal moment in my physical, mental, and emotional growth.

Neither of us had any real experience with weightlifting, but my teammate had a home gym in his garage. Every second period, his older brother would drive us to their house, where we joined in on whatever workout he had planned for the day. It quickly became a ritual and the best part of my day. I had always been involved in sports, but nothing had ever captivated my mind or made me feel the way lifting weights did. As I progressed, I noticed the profound impact a tough workout had on my mental health. I grew stronger, built stamina, and gained confidence with every session.

Throughout high school, I continued lifting weights and improving my cardiovascular endurance. Over time, I began to recognize that factors beyond just physical activity also influenced my overall well-being. This realization sparked a deep curiosity, motivating me to explore the many facets of human health and biology.

My journey into understanding health began with learning about diet. From a young age, most of my meals were built around single-ingredient, organically grown foods whenever possible, and desserts were limited to once a week. My parents viewed food as medicine, a perspective I’ve grown to deeply appreciate. However, it wasn’t until I started lifting seriously that I began questioning why this approach to food mattered so much.

As I delved into books and videos on nutrition, I discovered concepts like fiber, amino acids, and polyphenols, and how they influence the body’s functions. This sparked a curiosity that led me to experiment with various diets, including vegan, keto, carnivore, and paleo, to better understand how different foods affect my body. Along the way, I explored related anatomical and biological topics like mitochondrial function, insulin resistance, and the lipid energy model. It became clear that I was only beginning to uncover the complexities of human health, and my curiosity intensified from there.

Throughout my journey, I was generally a healthy kid. However, like many teenagers today, I occasionally experienced bouts of anxiety and digestive issues. These challenges deepened my curiosity about their causes and how different aspects of my overall health were interconnected.

Back to the present day one of my biggest struggles has been a reoccurring case of bacterial strep throat that has no rhyme or reason. I have come down with a soar throat, body aches and chills 5 times in the last 9 months or so. These bouts are effectively treated with antibiotics and clear up within days of starting the prescription. I am currently experimenting with different health protocols (diet, probiotics, hygiene, etc.) to address this situation. I will keep you updated as my situation progresses.


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